Haven't you heard? The crisis is all about making a change in the 10% of the 0.04% of Earth's atmosphere that is attributable to humans. It isn't 4% (0.04) of Earth's atmosphere that is CO2 that the crisis is about. No, CO2 comprises about 0.04% (400 parts per million, or 400/1,000,000) of Earth's atmosphere. But wait--it's not about the 10% of that 0.04%, which is roughly the entire human contribution (which includes everything from 70,000 people flying jets to Dubai to reduce CO2 all the way to lawn motors and burps and cow farts) the crisis is about. No, somebody wants us to dissolve our civilization and stop driving cars and throw out our stoves so we can effect change to that 10% of that 0.04%, as if this will save the entire planet! Why are we, why is anyone even talking about such a ridiculous idea?

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This is no conspiracy to lie about global warming. It is happening, and we have crossed over into the time predicted when warming will accelerate. No--- it's no longer "will accelerate" it's "is accelerating". We are in it for the ride now, no matter what.

However, there IS a conspiracy in the energy sector, to push "green" solar and wind. Those technologies have very low EROEI (and even negative). But, those technologies lock in oil, gas, and coal in the absence of nuclear power. All they do is raise energy costs.

Why does solar and wind raise energy cost? Because now that there is so much of it, when it is high there is way too much energy, but the grid must match demand perfectly. Some mining operations can take the excess for next to nothing. Otherwise, utilities must pay but they can't charge the rate. The wholesale cost of instantaneous power drops to nothing then negative. Those figures are repeated by the solar lobby to lie about the real impact on cost.

Then, at night and when wind is low, or high, the fossil fuel energy generation has only half of the time (at most) to cover it's 24/7 costs. So, rates go up. Hugely up. All those windmills and solar panels take years to pay back the energy required to make them.

If you want a strong nation and future with plenty of energy, nuclear is it. Fusion is not here, and even if it was, we would use up most of the fuel just testing. So nuclear is the only way forward. Everything else is lies and nonsense.

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The climate has never been stable. We're coming out of the Little Ice Age, the coldest year in more than 8,000 years, so, yes, the climate is warming. The real question is whether human activity causes that. Maybe somewhat, but certainly not as much as cultists claim.

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The big thing is energy. We're really going to be in a world of hurt without plenty of energy.

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It's more than claimed. Sure climate changes, but slowly, over thousands and millions of years. This one? This is us.

We're just beginning the period of --- holy sh*t.

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Notwithstanding that Michael Mann won his defamation suit against Mark Steyn, his infamous Hockey Stick is still a fraud. Who is growing barley and raising sheep in Greenland, like the Vikings did 1,000 years ago? Who is growing grapes and citrus at Hadrian's wall like the Romans were doing 2,000 years ago? Neither of these are in Mann's fiction. Why did it get cold after those intolerable heat waves? Did they stop driving automobiles and burning coal?

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A terrific compilation of non-coopted facts that paint the Great Green Hoax Picture, coupled with down home entertainment such as:

"Tinkerbell’s magic pixie dust, unicorn farts, and ocean waves either cannot provide more than a tiny fraction of the necessary energy...."

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Hi Van,

Not much "meat" here on evidence. A few tidbits, but overall much disappointed. Perhaps you can expand. What about evidence from Lindzen, Happer, Hayden, Stein, Dyson, Feynman, Monckton, Clauser, Giaever, SEPP, Curry, to name a few. Agree the IRA willl break the bank as I have lectured. Its funding things that are plainly predatory energy forms, cannabalistic to our energy system.


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Thank you for your insightful commentary, Van Snyder.

Here's one example of a well-heeled elite who admitted circa 2014 he is on the gravy train at taxpayer expense. (Buffett's father was a four-term U.S. Representative from Nebraska.) CGNP used this quote near the conclusion to their June 29, 2023 filing at https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M512/K707/512707725.PDF supporting extended Diablo Canyon Power Plant operations before the California Public Utilities Commission. Multi-billionaire Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway CEO explained the rationale for solar and wind generation in 2014:

"For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."

"Big Wind's Bogus Subsidies - Giving tax credits to the wind energy industry is a waste of time and money."

By Nancy Pfotenhauer, Contributor | May 12, 2014, at 2:30 p.m US News & World Report


Berkshire Hathaway Energy is likely seeking to close Diablo Canyon Power Plant for its financial enrichment. See: "BHE is a Likely Opponent of DCPP Extended Operations - Part 2" at https://greennuke.substack.com/p/bhe-is-a-likely-opponent-of-dcpp-3f4 (Part 2 provides a link to Part 1.)

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