Looks to me like complete guesswork. How does anyone know what the atmosphere was like millions of years ago?

Now we have so called scientists claiming that climate change is an existential threat, and using geo engineering to mess around with the weather.

Leave nature alone!

When I asked a scientist about plants consuming the CO2 they replied, yeah but the wrong type of plants use it!

I wasn’t bright enough to ask what the wrong sort of plant was.

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It looks to me that plants are too efficient at pulling carbon out of the atmosphere and that is being sequestered in soils & seabed sediment. If that continued and you had a big die-off of plants & animals, eventually the carbon would return to the atmosphere but the Earth's ecosystem would be devastated and take a long time to recover. Time is running out.

Conclusion: Yeah humans. Good job returning a whole lot of carbon back to the atmosphere. Likely preventing the next ice age as well. I think we collectively deserve a reward except for the Malthusians & Doomers who must be considered the enemies of all life on Earth. Sad fact, the Malthusians are running the Western World right now. We need to get rid of them.

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Putting on my doctoral biologist hat, while much life would disappear below 150 ppmv CO2, not all of it would. Life below the seabed, by some estimates, is a greater biomass than life above it. That said, it is incorrect to believe that plants would die out in 9 million years. (Ignoring human carbon). There is a short (only in relative terms) and a long carbon cycle. This planet has maintained a pretty steady state due to plate tectonics for hundreds of millions of years.


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